Thursday, January 31, 2019

Day 3442

A mix of sun and cloud here today with some wind and 19. Its 16 here now.
Ruby went to her TOPS meeting this morning. I walked to the golf course where I played 18 holes with the park golf league. When Ruby got home she went for a walk and after that she went out for some shopping. After I got home from golf I did up and posted the stats for the league. We then BBQ'd some burgers for supper.

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Day 3441

A mix of sun and cloud here today with a cool wind and 14. Its 9 here now.
After breakfast this morning me, Ruby, Gary, Sharon, Lawrence & Teresa went to the Canadian Snowbird Extravaganza in Lakeland - had a great day there visiting the booths, having lunch and went to the afternoon show in the theatre. After that we went for supper in Lakeland before returning home.

At the CSA Extravaganza.....

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Day 3440

A mostly sunny day here today with some clouds in the afternoon and 19. Its 15 here now.
Out for a walk this morning. After breakfast Ruby went to the clubhouse for line dancing. When she got back she went for a walk. I worked on a printer I had here belonging to a park resident and then brought it back to her. After lunch I did up and posted the golf teams for the park golf league. Then walked to the golf course to bring over the teams sheet. On the way back I stopped into a residence here in the park and did some work on their computer. After supper Ruby went to the clubhouse for bingo.

Monday, January 28, 2019

Day 3439

A sunny day here today and 14. Its 9 here now.
After breakfast this morning 10 of us guys went to a golf course in Clearwater where we played 18 holes. While I was gone Ruby went for her walk. BBQ'd a couple of steaks for supper.

More etching by Noel.....

Sunday, January 27, 2019

Day 3438

A cold windy wet day here today with rain all day and 13. Its 11 here now.
A day inside today due to the weather. Did up some paperwork for the park association and worked on a printer for a lady here in the park. After lunch I went out to get some copies of the association Feb calendar and a form used by an event here in the park. When I got back I placed the calendars in the clubhouse and brought the forms to a park resident. After that we relaxed and watched the golf.

Noel's metal etching....

Saturday, January 26, 2019

Day 3437

A sunny day here today with a cool wind and 17. Its 13 here now.
Out for  walk this morning. After breakfast I went over to help Gary finish up the lattice skirt on their deck. Ruby went for a walk. I then took apart our 12 volt cooler to check the switch - switch burnt up. After lunch me and Gary went out to pick up a couple of things and Ruby & Sharon went out for some shopping. When we got back I repaired the cooler - bypassed the switch to get it running again. Gary & Sharon here for supper and after supper we went to the clubhouse for casino night & auction.

Casino night & auction....

Friday, January 25, 2019

Day 3436

A sunny day here today with a cold wind and 15. Its 11 here now.
Out for a walk this morning. After breakfast me and Gary got back at their deck - trimmed the deck boards, installed blocking on the posts etc. Ruby and Sharon went for a walk. After lunch me & Gary went out to pick up some more things for the deck. When we got back we started installing the lattice around the base, built and installed a door for getting / putting things under the deck, etc. Then we were over the Sharon & Gary's for supper.

Trimmed and some of the lattice done..... The boss kept an eye on us lol....

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Day 3435

A mostly sunny day here today with a few clouds in the afternoon and 22. Its 16 here now.
Ruby went to her TOPS meeting this morning and shopping after. I walked to the golf course where I played 18 holes with the park golf league. After we got back home we were over to Sharon & Gary's for refreshments and supper on their new deck along with Darrell, Maryann, Lawrence & Teresa.

Breaking in their new deck......