Sunday, April 30, 2017

Day 3783

A cloudy cold day here today with a cold wind, rain shower in the afternoon and 10. Its 5 here now.
Up with Damien & Payton this morning and then went down to the house to get Landon & Charlie so they could all have breakfast with us. After breakfast I went into Woodstock to pick up a few things. Ruby started on her salt beef supper. When I got back we hooked Robbie's (Sarah's brother) trailer to our vehicle and went into Robbie's to pick up Noel's compressor, welder, etc. After we got back we put the items in Noel's shop. Then down to the house where we enjoyed Ruby's salt beef meal along with Bob & Sue (Sarah's parents).

Saturday, April 29, 2017

Day 3782

A cloudy cool day here today and 10. Its 9 here now brrrrrrrrrrrrr.
Damien, Payton, Landon & Charlie here with us for breakfast this morning. Spent the day getting things all setup, unpacking, etc.The 4 grand kids here with us helping out lol. Ruby went out in the afternoon to pick up some food. Sarah went to work in the afternoon and Noel and the kids here for supper. Damien & Payton here with us tonight.

At gramma's for breakfast....

Friday, April 28, 2017

Day 3781

A mix of sun and cloud driving today. Its 14 here in Woodstock now.
After breakfast this morning we left the hotel in Austinburg, OH at 0800. Arrived at the border crossing at Niagara Falls at 1015, across at 1030 and arrived at Noel's at 1245. Opened up our trailer and got things hooked up & set up etc. Noel, Ruby & Landon went into Hickson to pick up Damien & Payton from school. Then Sarah picked up Chinese food for supper. So good to see all of them. Damien & Payton sleeping up here with us tonight.

Our travels today......

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Day 3780

A cloudy day driving today. Its 18 here now in Austinburg, Ohio.
After our breakfast this morning up left the hotel in Wytheville, Va at 0755. After a couple stops along the way we arrived at Tim & Sandy's (they are our neighbors in Florida) place in Craftman Park, Akron, OH at 1320. They showed us around the park and then took us out for lunch. We left there at 1520 and arrived at our hotel in Austinburg, OH at 1640 and settled in for the night.

Our travels today.....