Monday, February 29, 2016

Day 2368

A sunny day here today and 24. It's 18 here now.
Out for a walk this morning and Ruby to the park hall for her exercise class. After that Ruby went shopping with the girls and I installed a couple more valances on our blinds. After lunch me, Fred & Darrel went for a 23 mile bike ride on the Pinellas Trail. When we got back the crew got together here for a few refreshments and Ruby & Diane went out for some more shopping before supper. After supper we skyped with the family.


Sunday, February 28, 2016

Day 2367

A sunny day here today and 23. Its 16 here now.
After a lite breakfast this morning we, along with 3 other couples, went to a golf course in St. Pete's where we met Earl & Helen and we all played 9 holes of golf - 2 teams of 3 and 1 team of 4. After golf we all went out for lunch together. When we got back home we had a little break and them the crew got together at Fred & Diane's for wine time.

Waiting for pop to come home....

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Day 2366

A sunny day here today with a cool wind and 16. Its 13 here now.
Out for a walk this morning. Then Earl & Helen here and we all went to the park hall for breakfast - the association put off a breakfast fundraiser. After breakfast the 4 of us went to the flea market for the day and then Helen & Earl dropped us back home, had a short visit and then left for their hotel. I then finished up the 3 computers that people had brought here for me to look at and after supper I returned them. We had a BBQ for supper and after supper we skyped with the family.

Friday, February 26, 2016

Day 2365

A sunny day here today with a cool wind and 15. It's 11 here now.
Out for a walk this morning and Ruby to the park hall for her exercise class. After breakfast I cleaned up and stored the gear from yesterday's fish fry. Then worked on 2 computers from people here in the park (still checking them out) and did up the golf league stats. After lunch 4 of us from the park went for a bike ride. We then got ready and went to Darrel & Maryann's, along with 2 other couples, for refreshments and supper.

Landon loves Charlie.........

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Day 2364

A mostly sunny day here today with a cool wind and 17. It's 15 here now.
Ruby went to her TOPS meeting this morning and then did some shopping after. I walked to the golf course and played 18 holes with the park golf league. After golf we got things ready to do a fish fry along with home fries supper for a friend's birthday party. Me & Fred then deep fried 4 batches of fries and 4 batches of battered fish for over 20 people.

Landon & Charlie.....

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Day 2363

Rain here in the morning and mostly cloudy thereafter and 23. Its 17 here now.
Ruby to the park hall this morning for her exercise class and I walked to the golf course to deliver the the golf team's sheet for tomorrow. Ruby and the girls then went for a day of shopping. I installed one of the valances on our new blinds to check it out - looks good. After lunch me and Fred went for a bike ride. When we got back we peeled and cut potatoes them into fries for a birthday party at Fred's tomorrow. Then the girls back from shopping and we had a few refreshments before supper. After supper I went to the park hall for a few games of pool.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Day 2362

A sunny day here today and 26. Its 21 here now.
Out for a walk this morning. After breakfast Ruby & Helen went to the mall by our park to pick up a few things. After lunch a guy from Tampa came to pick up the 2 kayaks & gear - we sold them as we had no way to transport them. We then took Helen & Earl out to do some business and then dropped them off at Helen's uncle's place - they are staying with them for a couple of days. When we got back home I did up and posted the golf teams for our Thursday golf. After supper Ruby went to the park hall for bingo.


Monday, February 22, 2016

Day 2361

A sunny day here today and 25. Its 20 here now.
Out for a walk this morning and Ruby and Helen to the park hall for exercise class. After breakfast me and Earl walk to the mall by our park. After lunch we went to Redington Beach for a few hours and Darrel & Maryann joined us there. When we got back the crew at our place for refreshments and supper - Ruby had a pot of pea soup made, Maryann brought homemade bread & Paulette brought a cake with boiled icing for dessert. We even had Crosby's molasses for the homemade bread.

Beach day.....

 Pea soup supper.....

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Day 2360

A sunny day here today and 24. It's 18 here now.
After breakfast this morning we took Helen & Earl to a golf course where we played 9 holes of golf along with another 2 other couples. We all went out for lunch after golf. After that we returned home to unload the golf gear and then went out to pick up a few things. When we got back home the crew all here for a few refreshments before supper.

Sunday golf.......

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Day 2359

A sunny day here today and 24. Its 17 here now.
Out for a walk this morning. After breakfast I installed the new blinds in our home - got them all up but will installed the valances later. After lunch 7 of us from the park went for a bike ride. Then the crew got together for a few refreshments before supper. After supper we went to Tampa airport to pick up Earl & Helen and brought them back to our place. They are down this way for 2 weeks - so good to see them.

Daddy & his girl....

Friday, February 19, 2016

Day 2358

A sunny day here today and 24. Its 19 here now.
Out for a walk this morning and Ruby to the park hall for her exercise class. After breakfast I installed a tv wall mount and mounted a tv in the small bedroom. I then did some wiring in the shed - hooked up a receptacle on the back wall, light on the ceiling & power bar on the workbench. After lunch 7 of us from the park went for a bike ride. When we got back I installed one of our new blinds, which arrived today, to see how they look. We then got ready and went to the park hall for a spaghetti supper.


 Meeting little sis....

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Day 2357

A sunny day here today and 22. Its 16 here now.
Ruby went to her TOPS meeting this morning. After that we walked to the golf course where I played 18 holes and Ruby played 9 holes with the golf park league. When Ruby got back home she went out for some shopping. After I got home I went to Fred's for a few refreshments and Ruby came over when she got back home. We stayed and had supper with them. They then came to our place to see a pic of our newest grandchild and the have tea & dessert. Mike & Diane here after that for a visit.

Here's Charli......

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Day 2356

A sunny day here today and 22. Its 16 here now.
Out for a walk this morning and Ruby to the park hall for her exercise class. After breakfast I removed the hot & cold cartridge from the bathtub faucet - it was dripping. I then went out and picked up new ones, got the right ones on the second try. Installed the new ones and working good now. I also picked up and installed new screen clips on the window screens. After lunch I went to our motorhome and removed the water filters to clean and dry them. Ruby was busy making and installing new covers on some cushions for our deck chairs. Then a couple here for a few refreshments. After supper I went to the park hall for a few games of pool.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Day 2355

A sunny day here today and 21. It's 15 here now.
I walked to the golf course this morning and played 9 holes of golf along with 8 other guys. After I got back home we did a few more things within and around our place. Had a roofing company here to give us an estimate on doing a roof over on the place. Took out the 2 kayaks to do pictures so I can post them for selling. Then it was time for the crew to get together for a few before supper refreshments. I then did up and posted the teams for our Thursday golf league. After supper Ruby went to the park hall for bingo.

Monday, February 15, 2016

Day 2354

A mix of sun and cloud here today and 23. Its 21 here now.
I went to a golf course in Lakeland this morning, along with 3 other guys where we played 18 holes of golf. Ruby went to the park hall for her exercise class and after she went out to pick up a few things. In the afternoon she went to a home here in the park where the girls had a tea & dessert get together. After we got back home from golf we got together for a few refreshments before supper.

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Day 2353

A sunny day here today and 21. Its 17 here now.
After breakfast this morning we went to a golf course in Treasure Island, along with 2 other couples, and played 9 holes of golf. All out for lunch after. When we got back home we started putting things back in place after our paint job. Fred & Diane here for a visit and after supper we skyped with the family.

Dad & his sick little boy........

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Day 2352

A sunny day here today and 18. Its 13 here now.
A long long day of painting today. Got at it at 7 am and finished up at 10 pm. Put 3 coats on the trim etc and one coat on the ceiling and walls. Makes the place a lot brighter. Will put the furniture, tables, tv, etc back in there place tomorrow.

Friday, February 12, 2016

Day 2351

A sunny day here today and 20. Its 16 here now.
Ruby went to her exercise class at the park hall this morning. I got back at getting things ready for our painting job - taping, caulking, etc. After lunch we went out and picked up the paint & painting gear to start painting. When we got back Ruby started putting on the first trim coat and I continued with some repairs, etc. After supper we went to the Valentine's dance at the park hall.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Day 2350

A sunny day here today and 19. Its 12 here now.
Ruby went to her TOPS meeting this morning. We then walked to the golf course where I played 18 holes and Ruby played 9 holes of golf with the park golf league. After golf we went to a friends place for refreshments with the crew and supper after.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Day 2349

A sunny day here today with a cool wind and 14. Its 11 here now.
Out for a walk this morning and Ruby to the park hall for her exercise class. I then walked to the golf course to bring over the list of golf teams for tomorrow's golf. After breakfast we spent the rest of the day at our unit to get things ready to do some painting etc on the inside - removed drapes, blinds, window screens, etc. Ruby cleaned the windows while I did some caulking, repairs , etc. We were at it until after supper and still a few things left to do before we are ready to paint.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Day 2328

A mix of sun and cloud with a cool wind here today and 17. Its 14 here now.
After breakfast this morning I walked to the golf course and played 9 holes of golf along with 8 other guys. When I got back home we went to the park hall for hamburgers, hot dogs, potluck & refreshments for our Tuesday morning golf crowd. After that we went to a to visit some friends here in the park. After supper Ruby went to the park hall for bingo.

Monday, February 8, 2016

Day 2327

A sunny day here today and 19. Its 17 here now.
Out for a walk this morning and Ruby to the park hall for her exercise class. After breakfast I helped clean up the items left over from the park rummage sale on the weekend - we took some to the second hand store and threw some in the dumpster. When finished with that I mowed & trimmed the lawn and did a few things around our lot. I then went to our US auto insurer to cancel the insurance on the car that came with our home as it is now officially sold. Then the crew here for a few refreshments before supper. After supper we measured the windows in the kitchen, dining & living rooms and ordered new blinds for them.

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Day 2326

A sunny day here today with a strong cool wind and 13. Its 11 here now.
After breakfast this morning we went to a golf course where we played 9 holes of golf with 3 other couples. After golf we all went out for lunch. We stopped on the way home to pick up a few things. After we got back home we did the Sunday afternoon relax thing and skyped with the family after supper.

Looking after pop's shed.....

Friday, February 5, 2016

Day 2325

A sunny day with a cool wind and 15. Its 13 here now.
Out for a walk this morning and Ruby to the park hall for her exercise class. After that we went to the park hall to help set things up for the park association rummage sale. We then took over the things we don't want from the home & the shed to sell, set them up on a table and priced them. After that me and Fred went to Camping World in Holiday to pick up a few items. After supper we went back to the park hall as the sale is open for park residents tonight - made $84. Also, we may have the car sold that came with the new place - we decided to sell the car because of the cost of upkeep, insurance, etc on it and drive here each year in our own car instead of flying.

The rummage sale......