Sunday, January 31, 2016

Day 2320

A mix of sun and cloud here today and 22. Its 19 here now.
I went out this morning and cleaned up and bagged the things that we are throwing away from the shed and placed it at the side of the road. After a lite breakfast we went to a golf course, along with 4 other people, and play 9 holes of golf. After golf 8 of us went for lunch. When we got back home Ruby went out to pick up a few things. Relaxing after that.

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Day 2319

A mix of sun and cloud here today and 21. Its 16 here now.
We spent the day working at getting the shed ready at our new place - installed some shelving, pegboard, etc. Then Fred here to help us sort things out - things to go in the shed, things for the park rummage sale coming up and things for the garbage. Got most of it done and then got together with the crew for a few refreshments before supper.

Friday, January 29, 2016

Day 2318

A sunny day here today and 17. Its 13 here now.
Out for a walk this morning and Ruby to the park hall for her exercise class. After breakfast I did some more cleanup in the shed. Then over to get the motorhome ready to put in storage and me & Fred took it down to the park storage area and parked it. After that we helped move our old shed to another lot here in the park - a couple from Grand Falls bought it. Then Mike took me in his truck to pick up some plywood, pegboard, etc for our new shed. After I got back I installed a new floor in the shed - there were some soft spots in the floor so I put new plywood over the old plywood to strengthen it. Then Lawrence & Teresa (a couple from St. John, NB) here for supper.

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Day 2317

A very wet day here today with lots and lots of rain and 19. Its 16 here now/
Ruby went to her TOPS meeting this morning. We had to cancel golf due to the wet weather. After breakfast me and Fred took up the 12" by 12" blocks I had put down on our motorhome lot and took them to our new lot - will lay them out their later. Ruby went with 3 other girls to do some shopping. I cleaned out the shed on our new lot and placed all the items on our covered deck - gonna install a workbench in there and get things sorted. Then a few people here for a few refreshments before supper and Fred & Diane stayed to have supper with us.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Day 2316

Lots of rain here last night with rain throughout the day and 20. Its 19 here now.
Out for a walk this morning and Ruby to the park hall for her exercise class. After breakfast Ruby got back at the cleaning of our new place and I adjusted the shelving in one of the bedroom closets. I then helped Fred locate a water leak in the plumbing of his mobile home - took a while but we finally found it. We then got ready and went out to pick up a few things - first time out in the our Florida car. After supper we skyped with the family.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Day 2315

A sunny day here today and 24. Its 20 here now.
I walked to the golf course this morning and played 9 holes of golf along with 10 other guys. Ruby brought some more things from the motor home to our new place and organized things. After I got back home I brought over some more things while Ruby organized and cleaned. We then put the slides in on the motorhome before getting together with the crew for a few refreshments before supper. After supper I did up the golf teams for our golf league and Ruby went to bingo at the park hall, We are spending our 1st night in our new place tonight.

Some jokester in our park.....

Monday, January 25, 2016

Day 2314

A sunny day here today and 19. Its 11 here now.
Out for a walk this morning and Ruby to the park hall for her exercise class. After breakfast we got at getting things from our old lot to our new place. Got most things transferred and hopefully will finish up tomorrow. We them got ready and 37 of us from the park when to the American Legion for wings, fries and music.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Day 2313

A sunny day here today and 11. Its 5 here now.
After breakfast this morning we got at our new place. Ruby did some cleaning etc and I brought most of the things from our old shed to our new shed. In the afternoon we went to the park hall for some birthday cake and refreshments for Dianne's birthday - our neighbour across the road. We then went to her sister's place here in the park for Dianne's birthday supper and another birthday cake - lots of eating today.

Our Florida home & car.....

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Day 2312

A mostly cloudy day here today with a strong cool wind and 15. Its 10 here now.
Out for a walk this morning. After breakfast I went over to talk to the owners of the place we are getting - he showed me a few things about the place. When I got back I started putting things from our shed in the motorhome basement and also picked up a few items from our new place owners to take back to Canada for them. They left at 2 pm and we went over to start getting things ready to move in. Our friends and neighbours showed up and gave Ruby quite the fright as they had pots & pans and started banging them outside. We couldn't figure out what was going on at first lol. Spent a couple of hours there and them back to have a few before supper refreshments with the gang across the road.

Pics from Noel's trail cam in his backyard.....

Friday, January 22, 2016

Day 2311

A mix of sun and cloud here today with a thunderstorm in the morning and 22. Its 16 here now.
Out for a walk this morning and Ruby went to the park hall for her exercise class. After that we went to the park hall to help set up for the Red, White & Blue potluck supper tonight. After lunch Ruby went to the mall by the park and I went down to help Mike with some computer work. We then got ready and went to the park hall for the supper.

Red, White & Blue supper........