Friday, January 31, 2014

Day 1594

A cloudy wet day here today and 15º. Its 15º here now.
Walked to the park gym this morning for my workout and Ruby to the park hall for her exercise class. We then went to the park hall to finish getting things ready for Italian night tonight. Then home to get ourselves ready and back to the park hall to help with the finishing touches with the meal - 150 people for the meal and it was great.

Italian night.........

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Day 1593

A wet cloudy day here today and 10. Its 10 here now.
Managed to get out for a few laps around the park this morning between the rain showers. Ruby went to her TOPS meeting. We were suppose to play golf this morning with the park league but it was cancelled due to the wet weather.  After breakfast we went to the park hall and helped get things set up for Italian night tomorrow night. In the afternoon we went to see Mike & Diane at their trailer.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Day 1592

A cloudy day here today with rain in the early morning and late afternoon and 13º. Its 8º here now with rain.
Walked to the gym this morning for my workout and Ruby to the park hall for her exercise class. After breakfast 8 of us from our park went to the Canadian Snowbird Association Extravaganza in Lakeland. Spent the afternoon enjoying the free show. Went for supper after the show. Skyped with the grandkids after we got back home.

At the CSA Extravaganza ..........

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Day 1591

A sunny day here today and 24. Its 19 here now.
Out for a few laps around the park this morning. After breakfast we went out to do an errand. When we got back I got back at removing the Diamond Shield from the front of our motorhome. Came of fairly easily and did not leave much glue except for the 'bonnet'. Very hard to remove from there and lots of glue to remove later. Then across the street for a couple of before supper refreshments. After supper Ruby & Marie went to bingo at the park hall. A couple from the park here for a vist.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Day 1590

A mix of sun and cloud here today and 21. Its 17 here now.
Walked to the gym this morning for my workout and Ruby went to the park hall for her exercise class. After breakfast 3 of us from the park walked to the golf course and played 9 holes of golf. After I got back home I replaced the light over our motorhome door with a motion sensor light. 12 of us then went to the American Legion in Largo for wings and music.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Day 1589

A cloudy day here today with showers in the late afternoon and 20º. Its 17º here now.
After breakfast this morning we went and picked up Gerry (Yvonne was sick) in St. Pete's and drove to a park in Plant city for our annual Braemar Valley Park Florida picnic. There were 18 of us there (14 from our park in Woodstock and 4 guests). It was great to see everybody and a good time was had by all. Dropped Gerry off at his place on the way home, said hello to Yvonne and then headed home.