Friday, May 31, 2013

Day 1369

A hot humid mostly sunny day here today and 29. Its 21 here now.
Did my morning bus run and Ruby up to the park chalet for zumba. After my bus run I went for breakfast in New Hamburg with 11 other bus drivers. After breakfast I took my bus to Kitchener to have it checked out - had a couple of alarms on it this morning. Had to leave my bus there for repairs and went home in another bus. Then up to the park pool for a swim before leaving for my afternoon bus run. After supper I got at checking why the a/c fan is not working on our vehicle. Found a bad connection where the wires plug to the motor - cleaned connection and now working but still does not seem to be working as it should - will have to keep an eye on it.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Day 1368

A hot humid day here today and 29. Its 24 here now.
Did my morning bus run. Ruby up to the park chalet for zumba. After I got back from my bus run I went to Woodstock with 3 other guys from the park for 9 holes of golf. After golf I did my afternoon bus run. Noel & Sarah here while I was gone. Ruby got at mowing the lawn after and when I got home she finished mowing and I did the trimming. Out for a walk around the park after supper.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Day 1367

A mostly sunny day here today with a few clouds and scattered showers and 26. Its 25 here now.
Did my morning bus run. Ruby into Woodstock to pick up Brenda & Dean. Spent the morning enjoying their company - so good to see them. They left for home at lunch time & heading home in Dean's new toy lol. Hope they have a safe trip home. We then had a man here to have a look at our trailer. After that I did my afternoon bus run. Relaxing and waiting for the Wings to beat the Hawks - hopefully.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Day 1366

A cloudy wet day here today with rain throughout the day with a thunder storm at suppertime and 17. Its 17 here now.
Did my morning bus run. Ruby into Woodstock for her meeting and some shopping after. After I got home from my bus run I went to the park gym for a workout and then did my afternoon bus run.

Monday, May 27, 2013

Day 1365

A nice mostly sunny day here today and 20. Its 19 here now.
Did my morning bus run. Ruby up to the park chalet for zumba. After I got back from my bus run 4 of us from the park went for 9 holes of golf in Woodstock. When I got back from golf I did my afternoon bus run. Relaxing now and gonna watch the Wings / Hawks hockey game - GO WINGS GO.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Day 1364

A sunny day here today with a cool wind and 18º. Its 14º here now.
After breakfast we went into Woodstock where we met Gerry & Yvonne at a golf course and played 9 holes of golf with them. We went out for lunch after our game. Relaxing after we got back home.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Day 1363

A sunny day here today but with a cold wind and 15º. Its 8º here now.
Up bright and early with the grandkids. Out for a walk this morning and after I got back Ruby up to the park chalet for zumba. Spent the rest of the morning enjoying the grandkids. After lunch I went up to the park chalet for some gym equipment orientation. Two men here in the park have set up their gym equipment in the park chalet and today they showed anyone who wanted to use it how it all works. Noel here and picked up the grandkids. Relaxing after and watching a couple of hockey games.

Enjoying the grandkids .....

Friday, May 24, 2013

Day 1362

A cold windy day here today with a mix of sun and cloud and 10º. Its 8º here now.
Did my morning bus run. Ruby up to the park chalet for zumba. After I got back room I mowed the lawn. After breakfast we went into Woodstock to do a few things. I then did my afternoon bus run. Noel, Damien & Payton here for supper. After supper we all went to Conestoga to pick up a hummer - cool rig. Noel and Damien brought the hummer to our place. Noel then left for home (he has to work in the morning) and the grandkids stayed here for a sleepover.

What ya think ... look good behind the motorhome or what....

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Day 1361

A mix of sun and cloud here today with scattered showers and 19©. Its cooled down here now and 8©.
Did my morning bus run and fueled up after. Ruby up to the park chalet for zumba. After I got back from my bus run 4 of us from the park went into Woodstock for 9 holes of golf - started raining on our last hole but we finished up. I then did my afternoon bus run. Relaxing and getting set to watch hockey now - GO WINGS GO !!!!!!

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Day 1360

Mostly sunny here today with a shower in the afternoon and 28©. Its 25© here now.
Did my morning bus run. After breakfast we went to Thamesford to pick up a test package from our doctor's office. Left for my afternoon bus run and on the way dropped of our car dolly stabilizer bars at a welding shop in Hickson to have them repaired. Ruby up to the park chalet for zumba. On my way back home from my bus run I picked up the stabilizer bars. Relaxing and getting set to watch some hockey.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Day 1359

A mostly sunny day here today with a couple of showers in the afternoon and 28©. Its 23© here now.
Did my morning bus run. Ruby into Woodstock for her meeting and some shopping after. Caught up on a few things around home before doing my afternoon bus run. Relaxing and gonna watch some hockey now.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Day 1358

A hot sunny day here today and 29º. Its 28º here now.
After breakfast we met Noel and Sarah at a golf course in Woodstock and played 18 holes of golf with them. We had a great time and so good to spend the day with them. Relaxing when we got back home. After supper we had a woman show up to have a look at our trailer. Getting ready to watch the Red Wings beat the Blackhawks now - hopefully lol.

Family golf day .......

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Day 1357

A nice sunny day here today and 28º. Its 24º here now.
After a light breakfast this morning we went to a golf course in Woodstock where we met Gerry & Yvonne and played 9 holes of golf with them. We then went for lunch. After lunch we went to the Woodstock Hospital for me to have something checked out - got some meds to fix it up and its not my golf swing lol. After we got back home for awhile we went to Noel's for supper with him and Sarah - great supper and great time.

Another great golf day .....